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​[ VIDEO ] Harta disciplinelor matematice (animatie)

Una dintre cele mai vechi dovezi ce atesta primele incercari de notatii matematice, ca forme primitive de a masura trecerea timpului, este un set de oase crestate descoperite in Border Cave , ce datau din perioada preistorica a Africii de Sud, conform In materialul video de mai jos, realizat de fizicianul Dominic Walliman , este ilustrata harta stiintelor matematice, asa cum au evoluat acestea de-a lungul timpului, precum si modul in care diferite domenii matematice se intrepatrund in istoria acestei stiinte, scrie
Clipul animat a fost publicat pe canalul de youtube al fizicianului la inceputul lunii si a inregistrat deja peste 400 de mii de vizualizari.
The entire field of mathematics summarised in a single map! This shows how pure mathematics and applied mathematics relate to each other and all of the sub-topics they are made from.

If you would like to buy a poster of this map, they are available here:

I have also made a version available for educational use which you can find here:

To err is to human, and I human a lot. I always try my best to be as correct as possible, but unfortunately I make mistakes. This is the errata where I correct my silly mistakes. My goal is to one day do a video with no errors!

1. The number one is not a prime number. The definition of a prime number is a number can be divided evenly only by 1, or itself. And it must be a whole number GREATER than 1. (This last bit is the bit I forgot). 

2. In the trigonometry section I drew cos(theta) = opposite / adjacent. This is the kind of thing you learn in high school and guess what. I got it wrong! Dummy. It should be cos(theta) = adjacent / hypotenuse.

3. My drawing of dice is slightly wrong. Most dice have their opposite sides adding up to 7, so when I drew 3 and 4 next to each other that is incorrect.

Thanks so much to my supporters on Patreon. I hope to make money from my videos one day, but I’m not there yet! If you enjoy my videos and would like to help me make more this is the best way and I appreciate it very much.

Here are links to some of the sources I used in this video.

Summary of mathematics:
Earliest human counting:
First use of zero:
First use of negative numbers:
Renaissance science:
History of complex numbers:
Proof that pi is irrational: 

Also, if you enjoyed this video, you will probably like my science books, available in all good books shops around the work and is printed in 16 languages. Links are below or just search for Professor Astro Cat. They are fun children's books aimed at the age range 7-12. But they are also a hit with adults who want good explanations of science. The books have won awards and the app won a Webby.

Frontiers of Space:
Atomic Adventure:
Intergalactic Activity Book:
Solar System App:

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