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Se afișează postările cu eticheta ENGLEZA. Afișați toate postările


I love spring
Spring is new
It's new blades of grass
It's rain on a lass
It's violets and rain
It's a wood-scented lane
It's a new bird song
It's days growing long
It's a tree in bud and puddles of mud
It's birds in a tree and buzz from a bee
It's kites in the sky
It's spring. That's why
I love spring. 


How I like this little fish!
I can't think of it like dish.
Be it big or be it wee,
I will throw it into the sea.

Lazy cat

Lazy cat, lazy cat,
Why are you so fat?
All day long I'm lying on this mat,
Purring, purring and looking at the rat. 

Robin Hood

de Radeanu Sebastian Ionut

Robin Hood, Robin Hood
I’ m fast, I’ m strong and I’ m good.
I take from the rich and give to the poor.
Robin Hood, Robin Hood.
Run through the forest
Skip through the forest
On our way to the Sheriff's house. 

The Wolf and The Dog

A prowling wolf, whose shaggy skin
(So strict the watch of dogs had been)
Hid little but his bones,
Once met a mastiff dog astray.
A prouder, fatter, sleeker Tray,
No human mortal owns.
Sir Wolf in famish'd plight,
Would fain have made a ration
Upon his fat relation;
But then he first must fight;
And well the dog seem'd able
To save from wolfish table
His carcass snug and tight.

So, then, in civil conversation
The wolf express'd his admiration
Of Tray's fine case. Said Tray, politely,
“Yourself, good sir, may be as sightly;
Quit but the woods, advised by me.
For all your fellows here, I see,
Are shabby wretches, lean and gaunt,
Belike to die of haggard want.
With such a pack, of course it follows,
One fights for every bit he swallows.
Come, then, with me, and share
On equal terms our princely fare.”
“But what with you
Has one to do?”

Inquires the wolf. “Light work indeed,”
Replies the dog; “you only need
To bark a little now and then,
To chase off duns and beggar men,
To fawn on friends that come or go forth,
Your master please, and so forth;
For which you have to eat
All sorts of well-cook'd meat--
Cold pullets, pigeons, savoury messes--
Besides unnumber'd fond caresses.”
The wolf, by force of appetite,
Accepts the terms outright,
Tears glistening in his eyes.
But faring on, he spies
A gall'd spot on the mastiff's neck.
“What's that?” he cries. “O, nothing but a speck.”
“A speck?” “Ay, ay; “tis not enough to pain me;
Perhaps the collar's mark by which they chain me.”
“Chain! chain you! What! run you not, then,
Just where you please, and when?”
“Not always, sir; but what of that?”
“Enough for me, to spoil your fat!
It ought to be a precious price
Which could to servile chains entice;
For me, I'll shun them while I've wit.”
So ran Sir Wolf, and runneth yet.

What to Do With a Dinosaur

de Kenn Nesbitt

This morning a dinosaur tromped into school,
ferocious, atrocious, and dripping with drool.
He had to be practically twenty feet tall,
and banged around looking something to maul.

He stomped and he snorted, he bellowed and roared.
His head hit the ceiling and busted a board.
That beast was undoubtedly ready for lunch.
He snatched up a chair in his teeth with a crunch,

Then stopped for a moment and thoughtfully chewed;
it seems he had smelled cafeteria food.
He spit out the splinters and plowed down the hall,
his tail swinging wildly and smashing the wall.

He burst through the doors of the lunchroom to see
the lunch ladies clutching their hair nets to flee.
He found the lasagna and gobbled it up,
then lapped up the lemonade, cup after cup.

He ransacked the salad bar, plundered dessert,
then stiffened and yelped as if suddenly hurt.
He let out a howl as he clutched at his side,
then gave out a gasp and fell over and died.

So next time a dinosaur comes to your school,
I think you'd do well to remember this rule:
Get out of the way of his bad attitude
and make sure he eats cafeteria food.

Pirate story

de Robert Louis Stevenson

Three of us afloat in the meadow by the swing,
Three of us abroad in the basket on the lea.
Winds are in the air, they are blowing in the spring,
And waves are on the meadow like the waves there are at sea.

Where shall we adventure, to-day that we're afloat,
Shall it be to Africa, a-steering of the boat,
To Providence, or Babylon or off to Malabar?

Hi! but here's a squadron a-rowing on the sea
Cattle on the meadow a-charging with a roar!
Quick, and we'll escape them, they're as mad as they can be,
The wicket is the harbour and the garden is the shore. 

Imaginary friend

de Kenn Nesbitt

I came to school today
with my imaginary friend.
When everyone said "hi" to him,
I said, "He's just pretend."

But no one seemed to notice,
which I thought was pretty weird.
It turns out he'd imagined me,
and, poof, I disappeared. 

A dash of blue

de Emily Dickinson

A slash of blue,
A sweep of gray,
Some scarlet patches on the way,
Compose an evening sky.

A little purple slipped between
Some Ruby Trousers hurried on
A wave of gold,
A bank of day,
This just makes out the morning sky. 

[ FOTO ] A Halloween Story

I was staying whit my grandfather in an old house in the forest. One night I wanted to go out in the forest. ‘Where are you going?’ said my Grandfather. ‘To the shop,’ I said. ‘But it is getting dark! 

And a storm is coming. All the snakes come out when there is a storm. Do not go near them. And don’t touch them!’ I went out and saw lots of snakes. I was not scared. I went near them and touch them. Then I remembered what my Grandfather had said. Too late!

 My teeth turned green and my skin was covered whit worms. I screamed and run to the forest. In the middle of the forest I saw a ghost, and when it’s dark and stormy I go to the forest and scare people. Maybe I will come out and scare you. 

Mesaje de Florii

In Duminica Floriilor trimite mesaje, sms-uri, urari si felicitari tuturorsarbatoritilor de Florii. Daca sunteti in pana de inspiratie va oferim cateva mesaje de Florii care va pot fi de mare folos.

 La multi ani tuturor tuturor!


Draga mea Floare iubita, azi de ziua ta, ganduri bune si iubire, eu astern in calea ta. Sa ai parte doar de bine, flori sa ai mereu in casa ta si alaturea de tine sa fie mereu bunul Dumnezeu.


E Sarbatoarea de Florii, miresmele de flori frumoase, intampina pe cel care iubirea ne-a adus in case. Iisus Hristos, fiul lui Dumnezeu, vine in casa ta aducand lumina si pace. La multi ani de Florii!


A venit primavara, o simtiti? E aici! Au venit si Floriile, si chiar daca mai adie si vantul priveste in gradina. Un ghiocel si multe viorele, La Multi Ani frumoasa floare si gandurile mele! 


Adevarata frumusete vine din suflet si incalzeste lumea cu bunatatea, onestitatea si compasiunea ei. Esti o persoana cu adevarat speciala si iti urez sa ai parte de o zi minunata.  


Azi uita cine esti si trezeste-te la viata odata cu natura! Fii un fluture zglobiu si aseaza-te pe prima floare a puritatii! 


Cine poate spune ca nu am cea mai frumoasa floare langa mine? Chiar si florile palesc in fata frumusetii sufletului tau! Sa fii sanatoasa si fericita!  


De ziua ta frumoasa floare sa zambesti, sa spui ce vrei, sa razi cu gura pana la urechi, sa iubesti, sa le spui celor dragi ca ii iubesti, sa fii fericita si implinita. La Multi Ani! 


Drumul vietii tale sa fie presarat cu flori, ghiocei ca sa iti pastrezi sufletul tanar si curat, trandafiri ca sa fii vesnic iubita si margarete pentru a-ti aminti mereu sa zambesti. Esti cea mai aleasa floare intre flori! 


Esti ca un trandafir crescut in inima mea.....promit sa ma transform in apa, aer, lumina pentru tine. Tu promiti sa infloresti numai pentru mine?  


Esti o persoana minunata si vesela. Fata ta zambitoare si inima calda imi lumineaza ziua. Sper ca de Florii sa ai parte de o zi cum esti tu… minunata! 


In drumul tau spre implinire imi doresc ca aceasta primavara sa fie dirijorul potrivit, sa te faca sa zambesti mai sincer, sa gandesti mai pur si sa iubesti cu mai multa daruire si pasiune. La Multi Ani de Florii!


Invata sa asculti florile, sa le admiri frumusetea, dar mai ales invata sa le protejezi, sa le hranesti cu dragoste si bucurie. La Multi Ani!


Iti multumesc ca m-ai invatat sa cred in lucrurile marunte, sa ma bucur cu tot sufletul de bogatia culorilor vietii. La Multi Ani!


Iti multumesc de ziua ta pentru ca m-ai iubit cu gingasia unui ghiocel, pasiunea unui trandafir si caldura unei flori de camp. La Multi Ani!


Iti urez sa fii binecuvantata cu o zi frumoasa! La Multi Ani!


Iubito, astazi am sa te imbrac cu flori si ai sa vezi ca dintre toate cea mai frumoasa esti TU! La Multi Ani!


Pentru ca astazi este o zi speciala pentru tine, ma alatur si eu celor ce-ti doresc din adancul sufletului sa ai parte numai de impliniri, satisfactii, multa sanatate, si Dumnezeu sa te calauzeasca si sa oranduiasca totul cum este mai bine pentru tine! Fie ca anii ce se scurg sa treaca, precum razele soarelui mangaie o floare ce sta sa infloreasca!


Pentru ca m-ai iubit cu gingasia unui ghiocel, cu pasiunea unui trandafir si cu caldura unei flori de camp… La multi ani!


Sarbatoreste sau pur si simplu fa-ti timp numai pentru tine. Este ziua ta, asa ca bucura-te din plin de ea! La Multi Ani!


Sper ca aceasta zi speciala sa iti aduca tone de fericire in calea ta. La multi ani, de Florii!


Tot ce-ti doresti, tot ce-ti lipseste, un mesaj pentru Floarea mea, de la cel ce te iubeste! La Multi Ani!


Un buchet de flori, pentru o persoana mai speciala decat toate florile! Esti floarea mea!

Vei primi flori de ziua ta… Sa inveti de la fiecare floare sa iubesti, sa fii tandra, sa-i luminezi pe cei din jur, sa-i lasi sa te admire, sa aduci bucurie si sarbatoare… La Multi Ani!


Un cer albastru fara nori, In calea ta sa fie, Sa ai in viata numai flori, Noroc si bucurie. La Multi Ani!


Viata mea e plina de iubire si daruire sufleteasca de cand te am langa mine! La Multi Ani!


Zambeste, iubeste, daruieste ... e momentul unui nou inceput. La Multi Ani de Florii!


Mai multe mesaje, sms-uri, urari si felicitari de Florii gasiti aici.

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