[ FOTO ] Instantanee - Educatie fizica

Oh, Susana !

1. In a cavern, in a canyon,
Excavating for a mine,
Lived a miner, forty-niner,
And his daughter, Clementine.

Refren (Chorus):
Oh, my darling, oh, my darling,
Oh, my darling Clementine!
You are lost and gone forever,
Dreadful sorry, Clementine.

2. Light she was and like a fairy,
And her shoes were number nine,
Herring boxes without topses,
Sandals were for Clementine

3. Drove she ducklings to the river,
Every morning just at nine,
Stumbled she against a splinter,
Fell into the foaming brine.

4. How I missed her, how I missed her,
How I missed my Clementine,
'Till I kissed her little sister,
And forgot my Clementine.



Despre copilarie ...


Intr-o cusca multi catei,
Toti sunt albi si rotofei -
Mama-i pune la mujdei!
Eu sunt sigur ca nu vrei
Fripturica fara ei.

                                                                               Raspuns: Usturoiul

O ridiche alba, dulce,
Vara-n fabrica ajunge,
O dezbraca de cojoace
Si in zahar o preface!

                                                                                       Raspuns: Sfecla de zahar

Sunt buni copti, fierti si prajiti
Si-s aproape nelipsiti,
Cand dorim o garnitura
Langa orisice friptura

                                                                         Raspuns: Cartoful

Verde, lung, din vrej l-aduni,
Toamna la murat sa-l pui.

                                                                               Raspuns: Catravetele

Nu-i ca varza-nfoiata,
Dar e sora ei, gatita
C-o rochita incretita.

                                                                               Raspuns: Conopida

Copaite cu bobite
Agatate intre vite!

                                                                             Raspuns: Fasolea

Noi avem un butoiaş
Alb, voinic, parcă-i de caş
Cercuri n-are şi nici doage,
Este bun când mama-l coace !
Cine se-ngraşă legat ?

                                                                                  Raspuns: Bostanul

Portocaliu, lung si mustacios
Mai subtire ori mai gros,
Dulce, vitaminizat
Rege-i peste zarzavat.
Tare, galben, ascutit
In pamant sade infipt,
Cine este? L-ati ghicit?

                                                                             Raspuns: Morcovul

Pepenaşul cu gurgui
E-mbrăcat cu puf de pui !
Cu puf galben, ca de pui
Este dragă orişicui
Toamna o aduc în casă
De Crăciun stă la fereastră.

                                                                              Raspuns: Gutuia

Mere mari cu biberon
Au crescut la noi în pom.

                                                                              Raspuns: Perele

Alba pasaruica,
Pe arac se urca;
N-are aripioare,
N-are nici picioare.

                                                                             Raspuns: Fasolea

[ VIDEO ] The Farmer in the Dell

1. The farmer in the dell,

The farmer in the dell,

Heigh-o, the derry-o,

The farmer in the dell.

2. The farmer takes the wife,

The farmer takes the wife,

Heigh-o, the derry-o,

The farmer takes the wife.

3. The wife takes the child,

The wife takes the child,

Heigh-o, the derry-o,

The wife takes the child.

4. The child takes the dog,

The child takes the dog,

Heigh-o, the derry-o,

The child takes the dog.

5. The dog takes the cat,

The dog takes the cat,

Heigh-o, the derry-o,

The dog takes the cat.

6. The cat takes the mouse,

The cat takes the mouse,

Heigh-o, the derry-o,

The cat takes the mouse.

7. The mouse takes the cheese,

The mouse takes the cheese,

Heigh-o, the derry-o,

The mouse takes the cheese.

8. The cheese stands alone,

The cheese stands alone,

Heigh-o, the derry-o,

The cheese stands alone.

[ VIDEO ] Are you sleeping

Are you sleeping, are you sleeping,

Brother John, brother John?

Morning bells are ringing,

Morning bells are ringing,

Ding, ding, dong. Ding, ding, dong.

Brother Peter, brother Peter,

Sleeps so well, sleeps so well

Morning bells are ringing,

Morning bells are ringing,

Ding, ding, dong. Ding, ding, dong.

Bells are ringing, bells are ringing,

Work begins, school begins,

Merrily go to school, merrily go to school,

Ding, ding, dong. Ding, ding, dong.

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